Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Consumerism Essay Topics - Avoid Common Mistakes When Selecting Consumerism Essay Topics

Consumerism Essay Topics - Avoid Common Mistakes When Selecting Consumerism Essay TopicsYou will find a lot of different consumerism essay topics out there, and most of them are written by companies. These essays aren't written with you in mind, they aren't really meant to be read by people, so why would they include consumerism essays as the writing samples? It's kind of odd, but it makes sense to me.The fact that companies want to use consumerism essay topics for their own benefit is kind of ironic, because there is no real reason for that except to just look good. We already know what most of these topics are, we can just think of them without any doubt whatsoever. I am talking about things like consumerist marketing campaigns, the use of colors, logos, artwork, and most of all commercials.Let's start with some obvious consumerism essay topics like commercials. This is probably the most used of all the essay topics and almost everyone has heard about the latest movie or TV show fr om a commercial. Even if people don't watch TV shows, they still see commercials and realize that the whole world consumes something like food, clothing, and accessories.Then there are consumerism essay topics that are more controversial. Like 'cruelty-free' products and 'ethical' corporate policies. Of course, that's a mouthful, so let's just try to be specific about what is meant here.For example, there is a company called Muji, which makes numerous brands of ice cream. Many consumers didn't like the idea of eating ice cream made by a company that uses watercress in their products, even though these products are actually delicious and healthy.But the thing is, watercress is one of the main ingredients of the product, so what's the problem? Although it may not sound like a big deal, because you don't pay a lot of attention to the label, it is important to note that watercress grows very fast, so the company was not using watercress, but rather a lot of other natural ingredients to turn their product into what it is.Another example of a controversial topic that people were against would be Ethical Business Practices by Walmart. Some consumers felt that Walmart was exploiting the working conditions of their suppliers, while others loved the quality of their products. Again, the problem was that Walmart was selling inferior products because they knew their suppliers were forced to work in poor conditions.In the end, it comes down to common sense, because consumerism essay topics are the most obvious ones, but they are also the most controversial. One thing I have learned in life is that nothing is more frustrating than trying to tell the truth, but being told that the truth is the most negative thing anyone can ever imagine. Keep this advice in mind and think about the words you choose when you write your essay.

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